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Fact #170975


Short story:

The UK's leading 2-Tone band The Specials, splits up, with some members going on to form the Fun Boy Three.

Full article:

Terry Hall (vocalist, The Specials) : We didn’t really plan it. That’s just how things turned out.

Roddy Byers (guitarist, The Specials) : If you went and interviewed everyone in the band, then probably each person would remember (the formation of Fun Boy Three) differently. I’d been told that my days in the band were numbered by Lynval on the way home, after a big outdoor gig in Leeds, England, UK, Europe. He said that Jerry was thinking of sacking me, because I was still causing problems in the band. It’s horrible really because when you read that book about the 2–Tone Story, Rick Rogers, our old manager makes me out to be like some kind of thug, threatening to smash Jerry’s face in and taking swings at him with my guitar on stage, which is half true, but it wasn’t quite as dramatic as all that. As you know managers tend to blow things up to make a good story.

After that Leeds gig, everyone had their own thing going on. I had my own band on the side The Tearjerkers and everyone was doing demos of their stuff. And I guess that Neville, Terry and Lynval decided their stuff was good enough to do on their own. We all thought we were getting to be big boys and could manage to do it on our own, without Jerry’s guidance. The press in England had decided that Jerry was the genius behind it all and that actually messed Jerry up quite a lot.

Terry Hall : The record company wasn’t massively unhappy about the split because The Specials had grown into quite a strong brand name. But they understood that it wasn’t just a whim. They knew we were having troubles – they were paying for our recordings and separate bills for hotels in separate cities.
(Source : not known)