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Fact #170781


Short story:

At The Record Plant, New York City, USA, Jimi Hendrix plays percussion on the Fat Mattress song How Can I Live.

Full article:

Roland Rennie (MD, Polydor Records] : When Noel Redding of the Jimi Hendrix Experience formed Fat Matress, Jimi's manager Chas Chandler did a deal for them through me at Polydor. They were a great little band, but I seem to remember they got a great big advance, spent it immediately on who knows what and never really got anywhere.

Noel Redding (leader, Fat Mattress) : That (Come On) was done to fill out the album. I was amazed, because it was just a jam in E. It was boring for the bass player. We just played it live, and they took it, thank you. We wouldn't have had a situation like that with Chandler, would we?
(Source : not known)