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Fact #170140


Short story:

The Jethro Tull single Sweet Dream enters the UK Singles chart, where it will peak at No7. This is the first release on the Chrysalis Records label.

Full article:

Terry Wright (co-founder, Chrysalis records) : Chrysalis Records really came into being because Jethro Tull couldn’t get a record deal. MGM couldn’t even get their name right on the record.

Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) : When Chrysalis began, it was something like the group was at that stage – more or less a tentative experiment – and we all learnt together. We tried things out, saw how they worked, changed them around and so on, until we arrived at the stage we are now, where Chrysalis is a fairly important business force on the scene and embodies recording, management, agency, publishing, record label… the whole thing.
(Source : interview in Zigzag magazine, 1969)