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Fact #169803


Short story:

Rod Stewart plays at Hohe Warte Stadion, Vienna, Austria, Europe.

Full article:

Georg Leitner (promoter, Georg Leitner Productions) : I co-promoted a Rod Stewart show with the English promoter Jef Hanlon, at the legendary Hohe Warte Stadion in Vienna.

Unfortunately, parked cars blocked the way for Rod Stewart's limousine to the stadium. We had no choice but to ask Rod Stewart and his manager to hike down a little mountain to reach the backstage area. During the walk Randy Philipps – Rod's manager at the time - gave me a good lesson in swearing in English. Jef Hanlon, however, kept his calm and really de-escalated the situation - so we all walked away as friends from this incident.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, April 2012)