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Fact #169275


Short story:

The Cocteau Twins release their debut album, Garlands, on 4AD Records in the UK.

Full article:

Elisabeth Fraser (Cocteau Twins) : It's all the result of Rob's sheer hard neck really. We were moseying along a bit aimlessly and then one night at a Birthday Party gig Rob decided to wheedle us all backstage and sat himself down next to Phil [Calvert]. I was bloody terrified at the audacity of it, but Phil was genuinely interested and helpful, he gave us the address of 4AD and told us to write, and of course Rob being Rob, he did.

Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins) : What you got with the Cocteaus was a canvas onto which you could superimpose all your feelings. You couldn’t do that with a Morrissey record because he was too busy whining down your neck about how miserable he was. But you could do that with ours because there was nothing there.

Elisabeth Fraser : A lot of the stuff I was singing about then was all metaphorical. I wasn't talking like I am now. I guess it's back to how much personal power you feel that you have. Like, if I'm seventeen and I don't even know when I'm hungry, am I tired, have I had any sleep - if you don't even know that, then how can you talk about lyrics that come from such an unconscious place? I always said 'I don’t know', and I didn't.
(Source : not known)