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Fact #169024


Short story:

The Rolling Stones are photographed by Michael Joseph at Sarum Chase, Hampstead, London, England, UK, Europe. The images are intended to be used for their Beggars Banquet LP cover.

Full article:

Michael Joseph : When the Stones arrived punctually at 11am, I was coaching the animals – a goat, a sheep, a cat and three variously sized dogs – with my megaphone, my Sinar 10×8 large format camera was on an impressive monopod and we had very impressive lighting, a giant swimming pool light on a tall stand and a few strobe strips at odd angles, and the table dressed with bizarre stuffed animals, food including a suckling pig and luckily a few bottles of a very good claret that I had from a previous shoot. They were awestruck!
(Source : The London Magazine, Jul 25, 2017)