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Fact #168672


Short story:

Having cancelled the previous night's show, Ringo Starr And His All Starr Band play a re-scheduled gig at The StadPark, Hamburg, Germany, Europe.

Full article:

Johannes Wessels (promoter, Music Minds Intl) : Funnily enough, the most problematic of our four shows in Germany, Hamburg, was my favourite. Ringo virtually never cancels shows, but when he got up that morning (Jun 10) in Hamburg he could not speak a word. We were all ready to go to soundcheck, but we had to cancel the show.

But then he said he had a special medicine which he was certain would work, and he’d be fine to do the show the next day. He said if I could get the venue for the next day, he’d be OK to do it then. I couldn’t believe it, but he was absolutely confident it would work.

We were very fortunate and the venue was free. So we moved the show from the Sunday to the Monday (Jun 11). There was already several thousand people lined up outside the venue so I had to tell them it wasn’t happening, please come back tomorrow. We left all the gear in the venue overnight and, happily, most of the crowd came back on the Monday and it was a great show. Ringo was in a good mood and he was very funny that day, and his voice was fine.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, Audience magazine, July 2018)