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Fact #16866


Short story:

British teen pop idol Cliff Richard holds a birthday party for his mother, Dorothy. Later in the day, Cliff And The Shadows play at The Winter Gardens, Bournemouth, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Andy Summers (local resident in audience, later to become the guitarist with The Police) : When we saw Cliff and The Shadows perform at the Bournemouth Winter Gardens our tongues were hanging out, real men with real guitars! I went outside during the interval and saw Hank Marvin walking down the street on his own, I immediately ran after him to get his autograph, he started running, I started running faster after him, eventually there was no-one else, just the two of us running and running and running. Hank seemed scared of me! After half a mile or so, he finally gave up, turned around and gave me the autograph. Several years later I was actually sitting with him somewhere, I reflected on this but didn't have the heart to mention it, but he was a hero then, and he is a hero now, nobody can play a melody like Hank.
(Source : Not known)