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Fact #168555


Short story:

Dusty Springfield opens for a season at The Talk Of The Town, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Madeline Bell (vocalist) : She was very insecure and also very shortsighted. She was fine once she started but if something wasn't right, she didn't want to go on stage.

I remember when she was playing The Talk Of The Town in London after being in America for a while. She was so scared and whenever something affected her, it went straight to her throat. It was sad but apart from that, I never had the experience of her not going on stage.

She was often unsure of her lyrics and she did the Palladium once and as she put her hands in front of her face and then threw her arms out, and you could see the lyrics. She had a lot of respect for the singers and the musicians. What she used to get angry about was the band not getting enough time to rehearse. People were more temperamental then – nowadays there isn't enough work going round for people to be like that. They will get someone not as good but more co-operative.
(Source : not known)