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Fact #167850


Short story:

Aerosmith play at The Civic Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, supported by Guns N'Roses.

Full article:

Tim Collins (manager, Aerosmith) : By the end of the tour, Guns N' Roses were huge. They basically just exploded. We were all pissed that Rolling Stone showed up to do a story on Aerosmith, but Guns N' Roses ended up on the cover of the magazine. Suddenly, the opening act was bigger than we were.

But we felt sorry for them. One, they were so fucked up it was ridiculous. Two, their stupid manager had negotiated a bad deal for them and never bothered to renegotiate it or even complain. Three, they were traveling like Gypsies, their old suitcases held together by twine and gaffer tape. At the end of the tour, we bought them all new Halliburton cases, which their manager took as an insult.
(Source : not known)