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Fact #167761


Short story:

Bob Dylan plays the last of three nights at The Greek Theatre, Hollywood, California, USA, supported by The Alarm.

Full article:

Mike Peters (The Alarm) : The greatest thing that ever happened to me happened on the Dylan tour. At the end of the tour we were playing for three nights at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA. I was by the swimming pool, and Bob came up to me and said, "Hey guys, would you like to come up and sing? Would you like to do Knockin’ On Heaven's Door". I was, "Yeah, we'd love to, it would be brilliant." So he's, "Right, when I'm at the gig and I start up the song, I'm not going to introduce you, when you hear it, you just come piling in." I thought, "Wow what an amazing moment".

So we got to the Greek Theatre and, you know, when you're Bob Dylan the audience is Jack Nicholson over here and Warren Beatty over there, and we're doing our gig and he starts up the song. We all pile in, I'm on one side, Sharpy's on the other, giving it loads. And then Dylan gestures me to the mike. So I thought, "All right, here we go." I'm in on the microphone and I've got me here and Bob there and I'm thinking "Brilliant, shit, I'm from Rhyl!" Bob Dylan, my hero. I used to have his poster on my wall and all that.

So after that, the next night, he wanted to do it again. And the last night of the tour was in Santa Barbara. He sent a message via Elliott Roberts. "Bob really enjoyed it and wants to do it again. When you get the signal, Knockin’ On Heaven's Door, you all come on". But before the gig, it was the last night and I thought, "I've got to get Bob's autograph before I go home". So I said to Elliot, "Do you think Bob would mind if I went in and asked him for his autograph." He said, "I'll check," and went in and asked Bob if I could come in. Elliot came back and said it would be cool, just go in, take one thing in, get him to sign it and get out of there.

So I went in, said, "Hi Bob, can I get your autograph please?" He goes, "Yeah, sure, Mike". And I pull out a massive pile of stuff. Because we all wanted his autograph. I had all this stuff, books with lyrics on, masses of CDs, it was like a Bob Dylan in-store all to myself! I got him to sign loads of things, and one of my prized possessions is I got a poster of the tour, it was "Bob Dylan and The Alarm" and all the members of the band, all The Alarm, the Dylan band, the crew and then Bob signed it alongside. I've got it on the wall at home. And I've got a photograph of us all together with Dylan playing it. You can see the picture, I've put in the sleeve of the Change album, it's us all together with Dylan. It was a fantastic thing for all of us to be part of.

When we were stood at the side of the stage waiting to go on and we heard the start of Knocking On Heaven's Door and we all pile on. There's G.E. Smith, the guitarist, shouting from the other side of the stage, "It's in D Minor". Bob Dylan's just decided to play it like this. We had to join in on the chords. But I think in his own way, he was, like, testing us to see if we were the real deal and rock and rollers at heart.
(Source : not known)