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Fact #167705


Short story:

Madonna plays the first of three nights at Wembley Stadium, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

John Peel (reviewer, The Observer) : At 8.18 Madonna appeared, wearing the fortified liberty bodice that has thrilled millions worldwide. ‘Thank you and hello London,” she improvised. ‘England,’ she added helpfully.

‘Are you gonna make this a night to remember for me?’ she asked. With four children at my side and a £64 hole in my bank balance, I murmured something to the effect that we were paying her to make this a night to remember for us.

From the first number, Open Your Heart’, it was clear that Madonna was resolved upon obscuring what is, after all a rather characterless voice by playing a sort of adjusted principal-boy role – lots of costume changing and vigourous movement interspersed with the occasional ‘shit’ to remind us of her street origins or mention of her ‘tits’ or ‘knickers’ in case we forgot that Naughty Madonna is Sexsational.
(Source : review in The Observer)