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Fact #167244


Short story:

Let My Love Open Your Door, a solo single by Pete Townshend of The Who, peaks at No9 in the USA.

Full article:

Pete Townshend (guitarist, The Who) : I released Empty Glass and then went on to do The Who tour, and I could see the difference immediately. There were all these girls coming backstage asking, "Which one of you wrote Let My Love Open Your Door?" So there were all these girls, very different from The Who audience, the Who Rottweilers, I called them. Even the women were quite macho - they had to be to survive the front-row nonsense. Maybe five percent of the audience was female at Who concerts, whereas I seem to have a mixed audience. Then I started to get letters from young gay men who were delighted with Rough Boys, because they thought that I had come out, so they were in the audience, too.
(Source : not known)