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Fact #167106


Short story:

When Devo play at The Showbox, Seattle, Washington, USA, they are seen by Mark McLaughlin, who is inspired by their performance. McLaughlin will subsequently change his name to Mark Arm and will found the pioneering Grunge band Mudhoney.

Full article:

Mark Arm : One of the musical events that spun my head around was going to see Devo at The Showbox in Seattle after going to a handful of arena shows and realizing it was so much better in a club.”

He continues, “Man, I went from sitting in seats far away or being on the floor far away with the barricade and the stage being so high to being one person away from the front of the stage at the club, so close I grabbed Bob One’s guitar neck and he hit me over the head. I just thought, this is amazing! It never crossed my mind that I could be messing up the show.”
(Source : interview in Blurt at http://blurtonline.com/feature/heres-lookin-ya-kid-mudhoney/)