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Fact #166590


Short story:

Jerry Jeff Walker records Mr Bojangles and Round And Round at Sun Studios, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.

Full article:

Jerry Jeff Walker : It (Mr Bojangles) is about a guy I met in a jail cell in New Orleans. We were both in the drunk tank over a long weekend. He told stories, and told me he was 'the eyes of age'. I never saw him again. The song has meant a lot to showbusiness people because they identify with the character. And, within the lyrics, there's a little dancing beat, those internal rhymes. That gives it a lot of charm.

I don't think I spent a lot of time writing Round And Round. It was probably written out of some kind of frustration I was experiencing at the time.

Altovise Davis (wife of Sammy Davis Jr.] : Sammy was uncomfortable singing the song Mr. Bojangles for years, because he was afraid that he would end up that way, frayed sleeves and such. I think the song really fit who Sammy was, a survivor.
(Source : not known)