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Fact #165925


Short story:

Sixteen year old Claire Leighton dies in The Hacienda, Manchester, England, UK, Europe, after taking ecstasy.

Full article:

Tony Wilson (owner, The Hacienda) : Unbelievable. It was tragic, obviously, but inevitable. She’d apparently scored the drugs in Stockport, but she died on our dancefloor. And that was what led to the police shutting us down.

We employed a very brilliant lawyer, the late George Karman, to defend us, and I remember at the first meeting we had with him in Manchester, the first piece of advice he gave us was to tell me to shut the fuck up. He had rightly identified the fact that I was always shooting my mouth off about my excitement with the culture, and the police perceived that as proselytizing for drug use. So he was right. And I did shut up, for the period of the case.

Paul Mason (general manager, The Hacienda) : I believe that was the final straw, the police took a decision to go for revocation. By that time, the police undercover people had amassed a good deal of evidence of drug dealing, drug taking, and they simply said that I wasn’t in charge of my premises.
(Source : not known)