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Fact #165915


Short story:

I Won't Back Down by Tom Petty peaks at No12 on the Billboard Top 40 singles chart in the USA.

Full article:

Stevie Nicks (songwriter, singer, Fleetwood Mac) : When I thought I was dying in rehab in 1994, I Won't Back Down was my mantra. It lifted me up out of the pain and made me fight thru it. Free Fallin' broke my heart about my life and his life and about who we were and that we simply could not change that. The Waiting Is The Hardest Part summed up my life. We can't stand waiting - we rock and roll men and women. If we have to wait... we just don't. Tom Petty’s songs are like a great book that you revisit when you need help. His songs make me better.

What makes Tom so good at this is that he writes about everything. Love in theory. Love in euphoria. Love in disappointment. Love in how it affects everyone; love after a long time. Divorce and how that affects everyone. New love and old love and how that affects everyone. Then he writes about personal growth and how that ebbs and flows. He writes about the world. He writes about the record business. He writes about monopolies and the nurturing of new artists that has ceased to exist. He has demanded that I start to write again when I thought I could write no more. He has, at times, been my Olympic coach. "You can do it," he says, "You don't need my help." He writes about his girls; girlfriends, daughters and wives. He has always been my great inspiration. He is magical. There is not, and never will be, another like him. (Source : interview in Billboard, 20 March, 2006)

Jeff Lynne (producer, songwriter, Travelin’ Wilbury) : My all-time favourite is one that I worked on, I Won't Back Down. That kind of sums up Tom - he's a cool guy and he's tough. I think he really did a great job on that, but I'm biased because I co-wrote the thing.

His songs are unique. He's got his own little spot in the whole spectrum of music. He's got tremendous words and very different kind of melodies. I always admire what he does with them. And he's a great singer. I think his singing has even gotten better over the years.
(Source : interview in Billboard, 20 March, 2006)