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Fact #165748


Short story:

The Cure play on the second day of the Elephant Fayre in Cornwall, England, UK, Europe. The line-up also includes SPK and Laughing Academy.

Full article:

Robert Smith (The Cure) : People came up after we played and said, ‘Oh, it was really enjoyable, but we didn’t want it to be. It was so nostalgic, all those songs we played. Somehow I feel I’ve compromised it, this big leap between (The Cure’s recent album) Pornography and what we do next, by allowing us to play live. I’ve recognized the history of The Cure again.

It was simply entertainment … Admittedly there wasn’t the same power as before but that would have been impossible. I can’t imagine being involved in anything as intense as the Pornography Tour ever again. We definitely are not concerned with striving to recapture past glories. It is completely different with Phil (bassist Phil Thornalley) and Andy (drummer Andy Anderson) from how it was with Simon (former bassist Simon Gallup) in the group.
(Source : not known)