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Fact #165714


Short story:

The Band plays a reunion concert at the Canadian National Exhibition Bandshell, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Full article:

Liam Lacey (reviewer, Toronto Globe And Mail) : The Band's main creative figure, songwriter Robbie Robertson, wasn't part of the reunion - which is a little like having a Ferrari without the engine. Along with the line-up of Danko, Helm, Richard Manuel and the group's gray-haired patriarch, Garth Hudson, there were four other musicians on stage - the Cate Brothers Band, which has been Helm's favorite musical companions for the past three years.

But as deep a hole as the band was in, within minutes, it had climbed out smiling.

Earnestly, the musicians on stage went to work, slowly gaining both their own confidence and the audience's confidence in them. At first, they chugged along raggedly into each song, and then they hit the right groove, each performer finding his slot in that familiar rolling, churning stride that is unmistakably The Band.
(Source : not known)