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Fact #164809


Short story:

Dexys Midnight Runners play at The University, St Andrews, Scotland, UK, Europe. Craig Reid and Charlie Reid (The Proclaimers) are in the audience.

Full article:

Craig Reid (Proclaimers) : We met Kevin Rowland of Dexys at St Andrews University, in 1980, when Dexys were playing one of the longest tours in British pop history. We didn't know who they were.

Charlie Reid (Proclaimers) : They were from Birmingham, so we thought they must be ska. We took the bus up from our village. It was one of those moments where you can't believe what you're watching, one of the great moments of your life. We had a friend who was drunk and hanging off the stage in a leather jacket and bondage trousers, and I remember Kevin gently helping him off. We'd seen the Clash, but Dexys were better - the physical force coming off the stage and the confrontation with the audience. People wanted to get drunk, but they'd play a ballad and the message was ... "Listen." I'd never seen anything like it.

Kevin Rowland (Dexys Midnight Runners) : I remember seeing these guys down the front, and then later, you came backstage?

Craig Reid (Proclaimers) : I ran across the stage past the security. It was like when you play a club in America and some freak gets in the dressing room. That was us! But Kevin was friendly.
(interview in The Guardian, 24 August, 2007)