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Fact #163810


Short story:

Marvin Gaye's backing band arrives in London to begin rehearsals for his imminent British tour. Marvin, meanwhile, is in Hawaii and claims to have lost his passport.

Full article:

Jeffrey Kruger (promoter, British tour) : I was told (when first booking Marvin) he was a terrible problem and I flew to New York with my wife Renee, and Marvin sent a limo to take me to Westchester Theatre where Sinatra had just played and Marvin followed him, and we were the only two white people in the audience. He did that What’s Going On album in its entirety and he sang none of his hits and I thought, “If he comes to England and does that show he is going to be booed off the stage.” At the end of show we went in his dressing room and it was full of hangers on. He threw everybody out and he sat down with Renee and I and his manager and he asked me what I thought of the show. I said, “Marvin, even if we get off on the wrong foot, I think your show stunk.” I thought he was going to hit me, he put his arms round me and he said, “You are the first honourable honky that I have ever met.” I told him that he would have to do his hits and he told me to write out the list of songs I wanted and he would do them. We did some great tours, and I never had any trouble, but he was trouble. Once the drugs got to him, he was a different person and he could change in five minutes.
(Source : not known)