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Fact #161765


Short story:

After XTC play at The Palladium, Los Angeles, California, USA, guitarist Andy Partridge’s wife Marianne tries to deal with his valium dependency by tipping all his medication down a hotel toilet.

Full article:

Andy Partridge (guitarist, XTC) : Marianne decided she didn’t like me being addicted to valium, which I didn’t even realise I was, so she tipped this giant industrial-sized supply of valium down the toilet at a seedy hotel in Los Angeles, and I went berserk. I was drunk. I’d been out drinking after the gig, came back extremely drunk, and started looking for my valiums.

“Oh, you don’t want to be taking those,” she said. “I’m sure they’re not any good for you.”

Something just flipped in me. My crutch was gone. I’m ashamed to say I smashed up the hotel room. Mind you it was such a crap hotel I probably improved it.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, January 2008)