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Fact #160497


Short story:

When The Smiths' UK tour plays at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, Sandie Shaw joins the quartet on stage again.

Full article:

Jill Smith (press officer, Rough Trade Records) : The Smiths still didn't really know Sandie very well. They knew she was a Buddhist, but they hadn't worked out what that really meant. So once again, come show time, they couldn't find her. We were frantically searching everywhere until I heard this infernal noise, like something out of the Exorcist, this deep booming voice, coming out of a dark little cubby hole. She'd gone in there to some chanting to calm herself for the show.

Johnny Marr (guitarist, The Smiths) : That was the best gig of the whole tour for me. It was our home town, and it was where we'd seen all our favourite bands play when we were younger. It was the one place I'd dreamed of playing. Just before we went on stage, Morrissey came up and said, 'Do you realise that T-Rex didn't get as many people here as we've got tonight?' It was madness, mayhem and stage invasions, a very celebratory night.