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Fact #160438


Short story:

U.S. Girls release a new LP, In A Poem Unlimited, on 4AD Records.

Full article:

U.S. Girls is actually one woman, Meg Remy, working with various collaborators to create captivatingly quirky pop to which you can, if you feel so inclined, dance. Pigeon-holing this exceptionally-gifted woman is tricky, because she mixes musical genres with merry abandon while somehow creating a coherent whole. M.A.H. (Mad As Hell) starts with a Spectorish drum lick but transforms quickly into an early 80s disco gallop which effectively obscure its protest lyric, while Rosebud opens on a jaunty string riff before becoming a faintly Latin slow groove overlaid with breathless Diana Ross-style vocals. Remy rarely fails to spike her pop facades with angry lyrics attacking religion, politics and human folly of all kinds.
(Review by Johnny Black, first appeared in Hi Fi News)