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Fact #160251


Short story:

The Cure release a new single, Primary/Descent, on Fiction Records in the UK.

Full article:

Robert Smith : Primary toys with the idea that it may be better to die very young, innocent and dreaming ... or even to murder as a gift ...

More than any other song we’ve ever done, Primary makes me remember the smell of Morgan Studios.

We did quite a few weird things around this time, like a really weird version of Primary called The Yellow Version. We all took turns at singing different colours. Simon had red and I had blue. Thankfully I’ve got the only copy of that in existence, and it won’t be coming out.

Descent, the b-side to Primary, was improvised on the spot in the studio, using all the same instruments again. Simon Gallup and I were both playing basses, so we wanted to keep that sound, so that when you flipped Primary over, you kept the same sound, but where Primary was upbeat and thumping, this was more atmospheric. It was always going to be an instrumental again, because I didn’t want to write any more words. I’d written all the words I needed to write for the Faith album, and I had nothing more to write about that subject. We never played Descent live.
(Source : not known)