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Fact #158433


Short story:

Frankie Goes To Hollywood are filmed at The State, Liverpool, UK, performing Relax for tv series, The Tube.

Full article:

Holly Johnson (vocalist) : Our manager at the time was Bob Johnson, who had managed Aztec Camera, The Ruts, Billy McKenzie and others. He got us £600 from Arista to make a demo, so we did both Relax and Two Tribes. We also made a very amateur, makeshift video in the Hope and Anchor in London, with girls chained up in skimpy leather outfits, very like our stage act at the time. We sent it to various record labels, but they all found it too outrageous.

Fortuitously, a new tv show, The Tube, liked the look of it, and they came to The State in Liverpool, and re-shot our video in a rather more professional fashion, then showed it on the programme.

Jools Holland (presenter, The Tube) : It was my birthday, and I got horribly drunk. I remember being the first person to say, 'Well, they're not going to get anywhere then.'
(Source : not known)