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Fact #158152


Short story:

The Who begin their biggest ever British tour at Granby Halls, Leicester, England, UK, Europe, supported by Q-Tips featuring vocalist Paul Young.

Full article:

David Lewis (reviewer, Sounds) : With the exception of occasional sparkling moments …this was a rather lacklustre Who gig, with a loose and slap-happy feel that produced frequent fluffs and misunderstanding, despite ‘Rabbit’ John Bundrick’s skills and fills on the keyboards.

Pennie Smith (tour photographer) : Somebody once described me as an ‘itinerant photographer’ which sounds quite slating, but it’s kind of accurate. Very few photographers travelled as much with their subjects as I did. Rather than doing specific commissions, I’d just be with the band and document whatever was happening. I think The Who realised they hadn’t documented a tour properly and they were in their last stages. Pete asked me to go on the road with them, I think because I’d done some stuff for him with the NME which he liked.

I was on the side of the stage mostly rather than in the pit, and my shutter finger used to go off automatically every time Pete hit the air. I used film pushed to 1600 ASA, which was a technique I developed when I was working so much for NME. The paper they printed on was rubbish, so the pictures had to have a lot of black and white contrast to look good on the page. I was shooting at 125th of a second to freeze him in the air, so it was a lucky fluke when the lights were bright enough to register the image properly, but I got some great shots.
(Source : not known)