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Fact #157810


Short story:

TV rock show Where The Action Is, in the USA, features Freddie And The Dreamers plus Glen Campbell.

Full article:

Jeff Kruger (UK impresario) : I was in Las Vegas and if you wanted a television in your room you had to pay for it because they wanted you out there gambling. I was not a gambler and I switched on and saw this American show, Shindig!.

Glen Campbell, was on and I was intrigued. I phoned the local station who didn't know who he was, but they put me in touch with the programme makers in Hollywood, Los Angeles. I tracked him down and made it my business to meet Glen and his management. He had signed to Capitol. Now (Kruger's label) Ember represented some of their material like Ella Mae Morse, people they felt they couldn't release in Britain, and I asked them for Glen Campbell, .

The UK office was asked if they minded Glen being on Ember and they said, "Let him have the cowboy, we don't fancy his chances." A few weeks later, I went to the session for By The Time I Get To Phoenix and I knew that I had a star, not to mention a friend for more than 30 years. I am the only person to have presented Glen Campbell, in Europe. My son Howard and I are presenting his farewell tour in 2004.
(Source : not known)