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Fact #157314


Short story:

The musical Charlie Girl starring Joe Brown, Anna Neagle, Derek Nimmo and Hy Hazel opens at The Adephi Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, where it will run for over five years, notching up 2,202 performances.

Full article:

Joe Brown : Charley Girl was written for me, and it was actually the plot of Cinderella. Even the names were similar. Lady Hadwell was like Baron Hardup. I was Joe Studwell, which was Studs, which was Buttons, and Charley Girl of course was Cinderella, but not one person in the press picked up on that.

So I was in that for two and a half years, never played my guitar or anything. And that was when I lost touch with the pop industry. And while I was in Charley Girl the night club scene started happening, Batley Variety Club, Wakefield Theatre Club, all of those places, big new nightclubs, and that's what I moved into when Charley Girl ended. I became an all-round entertainer, played the trumpet, had a ten piece band, and it took me years to get out of that and get back to my roots.
(Source : not known)