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Fact #156685


Short story:

Tom Petty dies, aged 66, in UCLA Santa Monica Hospital, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Full article:

Tony Dimitriades (manager) : He suffered cardiac arrest at his home in Malibu in the early hours of this morning and was taken to UCLA Medical Center but could not be revived. He died peacefully at 8:40pm PT surrounded by family, his bandmates and friends.

Bob Dylan : It’s shocking, crushing news. I thought the world of Tom. He was great performer, full of the light, a friend, and I’ll never forget him.

John Mayer : I loved Tom Petty and I covered his songs because I wanted know what it felt like to fly.

Shania Twain : So sad to hear of the passing of Tom Petty. Such an incredible, inspiring artist. I'll treasure fond memories of our time spent together this past summer.