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Fact #155942


Short story:

Madonna releases a new single, Like A Virgin, on Sire/Warner Bros Records.

Full article:

Billy Steinberg co-writer) : I wasn't just trying to get that racy word virgin in a lyric. I was saying ... that I may not really be a virgin - I've been battered romantically and emotionally like many people - but I'm starting a new relationship and it just feels so good, it's healing all the wounds and making me feel like I've never done this before, because it's so much deeper and more profound than anything I've ever felt.

Madonna : I liked them both (Like A Virgin and Material Girl) because they were ironic and provocative at the same time but also unlike me. I am not a materialistic person, and I certainly wasn't a virgin, and, by the way, how can you be like a virgin? I liked the play on words; I thought they were clever. They're so geeky, they're cool. I never realized they would become my signature songs, especially the second one.

Nile Rogers (producer) : It's weird because I couldn't get it out of my head after I played it, even though I didn't really like it. It sounded really bubble-gummy to me, but it grew on me. I really started to like it. [...] But, my first reaction to it was, 'This is really queer.

Billy Steinberg : When Madonna recorded it, even as our demo faded out, on the fade you could hear Tom saying, "When your heart beats, and you hold me, and you love me..." That was the last thing you heard as our demo faded. Madonna must have listened to it very, very carefully because her record ends with the exact same little ad-libs that our demo did. That rarely happens that someone studies your demo so carefully that they use all that stuff. We were sort of flattered how carefully she followed our demo on that.

Jason Corsaro (engineer) : "She is smart, very capable and very focused. She made sure that everything went exactly how she wanted it to, and while some people maybe thought it was pushy, I just thought it was powerful.

She was determined for the record to be successful and she made no bones about it. She was there all the time, making sure everything was going right. If someone played a part she didn't like she'd make it clear and tell him how she wanted it. She had her say, and nothing went by without her hearing it.

Madonna was very specific about what she wanted. For instance, Nile [Rodgers] was really interested in playing a different style of guitar, and Madonna said, 'I don't want that. I want what you played on Chic.' He said, 'But I've already done that,' and she said, 'I want you to do it again.' So, that's what he did. If it was up to him he probably would have played things a little differently, but that's what she wanted and that's what she got. Madonna wasn't a taskmaster, but in those days people often fooled around and had a lot of fun, and she would say, 'Time is money and the money is mine. Let's get to work'.
(Source : not known)