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Fact #155841


Short story:

Frankie Goes To Hollywood release a new single, Two Tribes, on ZTT Records in the UK.

Full article:

Trevor Horn (producer) : After Relax was a hit, we first went back into the studio to do the next single, Two Tribes. When we were doing Two Tribes, which took a fair while, there was a lot of messing around with things like starting pistols. I had bought a starting pistol which fired very loud blanks. This was in the days before terrorists, so everyone was much more relaxed about that sort of thing. One night, we'd worked very late and I crept into the studio at seven in the morning where all the Frankies were all asleep on the floor, and I fired off this starting pistol right above their heads and they didn't even stir. That's how tired they were.
(Source : interview by Johnny Black, Oct 2009, for Music Week).

Trevor Horn : We had 24-track Sonys. I had one of the very first 24-track Sonys in 1984. And Two Tribes, I think, was the first number one single on a Sony 24-track digi. Two Tribes was completely digital.
(Source : Interview by Ian Peel in Sound On Sound, March 2005)

Steve Lipson (engineer) : At the end of what could be considered the first chorus on 'Two Tribes', there's a sort of jazz drum fill that leads back into the second intro, and I programmed that on the Synclavier. Of course, it took an age, and Trevor thought it was the weirdest fill he'd ever heard — a jazz fill in the middle of a pop song. However, I told him I thought it was great, so he went along with it, although begrudgingly, and that was indicative of how we worked together."
(Source : Interview with Richard Buskin, Sound On Sound, April 2008)