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Fact #155803


Short story:

Sparks release a new LP, Hippopotamus, on BMG Records.

Full article:

A mere 23 (by my count) albums into their career, the surreally quirky Ron and Russell Mael still produce albums that are sharper and smarter than most of the work by artists who sell ten times as many albums. The first couple of tracks here are the hardest to get to grips with, somewhere between operetta and 70s piano ballads, but once they hit their stride on What The Hell Is It This Time?, Unaware and Bummer, Ron’s electronic rhythms and Russell’s twitchily urgent lyrics are completely irresistible. They pack so much fascinatingly bejewelled detail into their concise three minute tracks that they beg to be played again, and repay those extra listens.
(Source : review by Johnny Black in Hi Fi News, Dec 2017)