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Fact #154993


Short story:

They Might Be Giants release their fourth album, Apollo 18, on Elektra Records in the USA. Because of their interest in the Space Program, the group has been chosen as the "official musical ambassadors" of NASA's International Space Year, beginning on the release date of the LP.

Full article:

John Linnell (TMBG) : We're not actually the official band or anything, but we were asked to represent International Space Year when we went to NASA to get a graphic for the record jacket [of Apollo 18]. That's how we got picked. They found out we were in a band and were touring the world in 1992 and they asked us if we could help promote International Space Year because it seemed like we had some kind of a space theme on our record. So we said 'Sure!' and basically, it's just meant for us that we say it in our press kit with a little logo on the back of the record. But we don't have a lot of information about it, I don't think most people have heard that this is International Space Year.
(Source : Rumpus Magazine, October, 1992)