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Fact #153786


Short story:

Having recently signed a management contract with local businessman Brian Epstein, The Beatles are taken to see tailor Beno Dorn in Birkenhead, near Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, to be measured for matching dark blue suits. On the same day, their hair is tidied up by Liverpool hairdressers the Home Brothers. In this way, Epstein is beginning to give the group a more sophisticated look than their previous leather jackets and jeans image.

Full article:

Brian Sommerville (Beatles publicity manager, 1963-64) : I always had the impression that Brian used to worry about Paul, that he was a bit frightened of him perhaps because he was so strong-willed in his opinions about the exact details of how the Beatles’ career should progress. Even though they could also be as thick as thieves about such matters, Brian was always circumspect when talking to Paul about things of any great importance. John and Brian always seemed to get on all right. But Paul would argue with Brian, and as far as I could see, Brian always gave in.
(Source : McCartney by Chris Salewicz, 1986)