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Fact #153358


Short story:

Mary Epworth releases her second LP, Elytral, on Sunday Best Records in the UK.

Full article:

Mary Epworth : The making of Elytral started with what was probably writer’s block. I felt stymied by my own expectations that what I had to write had to be important, life changing, or the greatest thing anyone would ever hear. I was stuck and felt powerless to create any new songs.

Eventually I started to tinker with the bits of music that had been popping into my head, just treating it as play. I became out of my depth creatively, playing instruments I don’t usually play, relying less on other people to flesh things out and tell me that they made sense. I felt totally free as to where the song went. So this is a song about that process of freeing yourself from your own self-imposed limitations.

I love the sense of space, and space travel through clouds is what I see when I hear it. ‘No judgement, no fear, you can surprise yourself’ is a kind of pep talk to myself about being bold, and leaping into new and unknown directions.

The song pushes the themes of change and transformation further, where I picture myself floating up into space through a sunset, or jumping from the cosmos down towards earth, a point of no return.

It's also a metaphor for the ultimate leap of faith into what happens after life. Not focusing on what actually lies beyond, what a person will actually experience at the end of the life-trip, but what it feels like to be at the precipice of a change and just saying ‘OK, here we go!’
(Source : press release about Elytral, July 2017)