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Fact #153212


Short story:

Jimi Hendrix Experience do a tv recording in London, England, UK, Europe, for Late Night Line Up, and also fit in a gig at The Bag O'Nails.

Full article:

Mike Appleton (tv producer) : Late Night Line Up was recorded in studio B, which was basically built for the continuity announcers to sit in and say their links between programmes. It was basically made for one person, a camera and a vase of flowers. When Jimi came in, we did the session and it filtered in from Floor 4 all the way through to the ground floor, and there were complaints about the sound in the studio directly below us.

Georgie Fame : When I briefly broke up the Blue Flames, Mitch had walked out of my band and straight into Jimi's. One of their first London dates was at The Bag O'Nails, where I had part-ownership. Ben E. King was here on tour, a very good mate I'd known for years, and all three of us hung out in each other's pockets. Most of the jamming was with me and Jimi, well after midnight, with Ben E's band. Ben E. singing and me on Hammond. We played regular swinging blues things, stuff that Ben E. would know, like Every Day I Have The Blues.

Ben E. King : He came in and sat down. And before you knew it, he was up there jamming. He was just playing on the stuff that I was doing in my show in those days - Spanish Harlem, Stand By Me - things like that. It was very free-flowing, because that was his style. He knew the songs and he knew the music, so we just let him do his thing.

Georgie Fame : Jimi was very impressed that with my own band I was singing things like Work Song and Moody's Mood For Love. Jimi was very aware of that stuff but didn't think anybody did it. It didn't affect his own material but he could still play all that stuff. He enjoyed that.