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Fact #153017


Short story:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience play at The Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon, USA, supported by Vanilla Fudge, Soft Machine and Eire Apparent. Before the show they undertake several press interviews.

Full article:

Bill Eisiminger (school friend of Hendrix) : I took some of my former junior high school students who had a band that I managed, Midnight Sun, to Portland to see the Jimi Hendrix/Vanilla Fudge concert. We had backstage passes and we sat on the stairs leading to the stage, not more than eight or ten feet from where Jimi was standing. It was fantastic. After the concert, we had a chance to talk to Jimi. For my students, it was the thrill of their lives.
(Source : not known)

Jack Berry (reviewer, The Oregonian) : The Oregonian (10 September) ‘Hard Rock Entertains 8,000 Coliseum Fans’ - review by Jack Berry : After a turnout of approximately 8,000 young people at Memorial Coliseum Monday night - most of them ‘clean cut’ and middle-class in appearance - there can be little doubt that hard or ‘heavy’ rock music is a major show business phenomenon. Formerly confined to psychedelic ballrooms, the practitioners of aural apocalypse have been concertizing in auditoriums and arenas of late and Monday’s show, which featured Jimi Hendricks [sic] was probably the most successful attempt in Portland yet.

Hendricks [sic] was preceded on the program by the Soft Machine and the Vanilla Fudge, two good examples of recent attention to instrumental technique.

The Soft Machine’s entire set was devoted to one number dedicated to ‘the decline and fall of the American Empire’ and was apparently intended to trace this trajectory in one of the first examples of program music rock has produced.
A spoken refrain…
The decline and fall continued for longer than management wished and the Machine, furious when its power was cut, kicked all its equipment off the stage. At least America didn’t go out with a whimper....

Probably the best thing about The Jimi Hendrick's Experience is its very gripping ability to build climaxes, moving from plateau to plateau with the massive inevitability of a juggernaut. Hendricks is unquestionably a magnetic figure and his 'Experience' is a strong one. But since magic people are fairly rare, the future of rock was probably indicated more strongly by the other groups on the program.

Far from the screaming, stage rushing melee of early rock 'n' roll, Monday night's audience was amazingly mannered and restrained. It made the absurdly rude performance of one police sergeant that much more ridiculous.
(Source : http://crosstowntorrents.org/archive/index.php/t-4548.html)

Lawrence Emory (audience) : Hendrix was turned off in middle of Purple Haze, as Coliseum back there turned anyone off when 11 pm came. Same happened to Airplane in 67....
(Source : http://rockprosopography101.blogspot.com/2010/04/oregon-rock-concerts-1968-oregon-vi.html)