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Fact #151976


Short story:

Ed Sheeran self-releases his fifth EP, No. 5 Collaborations Project, featuring eight collaborations with hip-hop artists including Wiley, Sway, Dot Rotton, JME and P-Money.

Full article:

Ed Sheeran : Rappers started coming to me to ask to work with them. I’d say ‘Yes’ and I got all their numbers and asked them to work on my project too.

I haven’t gone without playing a gig for two days for about three years. But the trouble with constant gigging is you don’t get the chance to sit down and write new songs. I’m going to take a bit of a break from it now while I go into the studio.

Last year was all about getting known; this year is doing the groundwork; 2012 could be a big year and I’ll be looking at doing a second album in 2013. I’m looking ahead to the next 10 years; after that I’ll chill out a bit.
(Source : not known)