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Fact #151925


Short story:

Ed Sheeran plays the first of three non-consecutive nights at Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Marty Diamond (Paradigm Talent Agency) : I stood there in Madison Square Garden watching Ed step up and ask an entire arena, 15 or 20,000 people, off mic, to be quiet and listen for a minute because he was about to do a quiet, introspective song. Then he also sang the song off mic, which means he must have vocal chords like a monster to do that.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, Audience magazine, May 2017)

Stuart Camp (manager, Ed Sheehan) : The three Madison Square Garden shows kind of put the full stop on Ed's first album. I think that kind of signalled to the world that we were going to be playing bigger shows than people thought we could. No-one expected us to reach that level on the first album.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, Audience magazine, May 2017)