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Fact #151908


Short story:

As he begins his conquest of America, Ed Sheeran plays the first of two high profile sold out showcase performances at the Mercury Lounge, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Stuart Camp (manager of Ed Sheehan) : We were desperate to get going. The album had come out much earlier in the UK, the autumn of the previous year (Sep 9, 2011) which gave us a good run up to January 2012 which is when we started to work it in America.

It was exciting. We almost replicated a lot of the things we’d already done, like tiny little shows in New York that would gradually increase.

The A-Team took a long time to get off the ground on radio in America. I think it ended up being the longest time ever taken for a record to go Top Ten. It was like eighteen months.

When the album came out and went straight to No1 on iTunes, we genuinely were not expecting it, so it was quite emotional. We were playing a show that night, The Bowery Ballroom I think, and there were tears in our beers.

Then the next morning we had to do the Today Show where you play in the plaza outside. Being Americans they wanted us to load in at 3am for a 7am performance, so we went straight there from whatever bar we were in.

After that we just kept going back. Right from the start, the support from the American label was great. They really got it.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, Audience magazine, May 2017)