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Fact #151471


Short story:

The Beatles are seen on tv in the USA for the first time, in an NBC-tv Huntley-Brinkley report by Edwin Newman about the band's phenomenal success in the UK.

Full article:

Elizabeth James Duke, (wife of Washington disc jockey, Carroll James) : In late 1963 an American television newscast showed a phenomenon called the Beatles going on in England. I Want to Hold Your Hand, had been number one in the UK, but hadn't yet been released in
the US. The head of the company that owned the radio station, WWDC, had hired a new secretary. Turned out she had once worked for Brian Epstein, the Beatles manager. We had a friend who was a pilot on BOAC, and we thought we'd get a copy of it flown over from one of the secretary's friends in Britain. They would give it to the pilot, and the pilot would bring it to America, and he would play it.

Carroll played it - on the hour, every hour for days. Capitol Records, who had the rights in America, went ballistic, they thought of suing us, but they moved forward their release date for the single.
(Source : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.music.beatles/9uHq6p-9geI)