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Fact #150147


Short story:

EMI staff engineer Peter Bown takes the members of Pink Floyd to meet The Beatles in Studio 2, Abbey Road, London, England, UK, Europe. (The Floyd are working on Pow R Toc H).

Full article:

Peter Bown (staff engineer, Abbey Road) : It was during the mix of Lovely Rita and there was a bad atmosphere in Studio 2 that day. The Floyd all stood there like dummies, riveted to the floor while McCartney said hello. Syd was very impressed because McCartney said he liked what he'd heard of the band and thought they were doing something interesting and creative.

Andrew King (co-manager, Pink Floyd] : Bown was as loopy as they come. He'd sit at the mixing desk painting plastic skin on his fingers because he was worried they'd wear out through overuse.

Peter Bown (staff engineer, Abbey Road) : Syd's guitar was always a problem because he would not keep still and was always fiddling with his sound. He used to go and kick his echo box every now and then, just because he liked the sound it made. We wrecked four very expensive microphones that first night. They got louder and louder until everything was overloading and the mics just gave up the ghost. With Syd you just never knew what was going to occur. We all knew he was taking drugs fairly heavily but, nevertheless, he was very creative. The fact that he didn't understand the recording process terribly well meant that he was less rigid about what could and couldn't be done. No-one really understood Pink Floyd, particularly Norman (producer Norman Smith). Pink Floyd were different and they were meant to be different.
(Source : not known)