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Fact #148473


Short story:

When singer/songwriter Fred Neil plays in The Café au Go Go, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA, his band reportedly consists of John Sebastian (guitar), Felix Pappalardi (bass and guitarron), Harvey Brooks (2nd bass) and Al Kooper (bass, piano and guitar) plus backing vocalists Karen Dalton and Dino Valente.

Full article:

Al Kooper : That's not true. Nah. I did play with Fred Neil live, very often. He would open up for the Blues Project at the Café Au Go Go. He'd come down there all by himself, so I would play bass for him and Roy Blumenfeld from the Blues Project would play drums, because we loved him. I think we did a darn good job. I never played with Fred outside of the Café Au Go Go, and I never played with Sebastian and Pappalardi. Harvey played with Fred, I believe, at Newport, and also with Tim Hardin.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black)