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Fact #147996


Short story:

Ukranian electronic composer Heinali releases the album Anthem on Injazero Records in the UK.

Full article:

Recent months seem to have brought a flood of superb electronic/ambient albums, as if musicians are finally getting to grips with how to use the new sound-generating technology without resorting to copying earlier acoustic ways of working. Ukrainian composer Oleg Shpudeiko (aka Heinali), well-known for his work in computer games, films and tv, has achieved something very special with Anthem, creating not just pulse-quickening sonic transports (Anthracite and Shuffle) but mesmerisingly gorgeous musical ice-scapes (Holding A Cloud, Hauntology) and much more besides, including the mercurially shifting and shimmering title track which almost defies description.
(Source : review by Johnny Black, HiFi News, Mar 2017)