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Fact #147981


Short story:

On their first American tour, The Cure play at The Underground, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Full article:

Robert Smith (The Cure) : My 21st birthday happened in Boston and, after the gig, Bill (manager) and the four of us got taken to some art media event by this guy who was making a video of us. We had some drugs. I remember a TV and a set of homemade videos and we got bored and insisted this bloke drove us back to our hotel so he took us in his Beetle – the five of us and his girlfriend!

It was a little cramped so I got out and sat on the bonnet - it was about five in the morning so we thought we’d take the risk. Bill then decided to drive and went the wrong way round a roundabout without thinking. When he realised it, of course, he just kept on going round, laughing insanely and then he got hysterical, got a flat, slewed across the road and I fell off the bonnet.

I tried to change the wheel – I don’t know why I was doing it – but I couldn’t understand why the hub-cap wouldn’t go back on so I started kicking it, and it was only a few seconds later, when the pain suddenly reached my brain, that I realised the reason the hub cap wouldn’t go back on was because my thumb was trapped underneath it. I’d just reduced it to pulp! After that we drove to New York overnight but ended up in Cape Cod because Bill had taken a wrong turn! We eventually arrived at the airport just in time to catch the plane to get back to London for Top Of The Pops.
(Source : from the Cure biography Ten Imaginary Years)