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Fact #146450


Short story:

On their European Tour 1973, The Rolling Stones play the first of three nights at The Empire Pool, Wembley, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Brian Croft (director, ESP, touring company for Stones' tours) : Before they go on, the band and the horn players have a sort of jam and warm-up session, in a room off-stage, and about five minutes before they're due on, the instruments are rushed onstage and left by the amps. Then it's 'Ladies and Gentlemen - The Rolling Stones' and they're straight on and into the first number, with none of that coughing and tune-up bit.

What we used at Wembley for the first time was fog - dry-ice vapour which lies low on the floor. Mick was in two minds at the start whether to use it but, in the song Midnight Rambler, it was obvious that the more we pumped on stage, the happier he was. He's incredibly inventive, and started taking in mouthfuls and blowing it out and swirling it around him - and he learned how to control it too. If it hadn't worked, he'd have said, 'Get rid of it.'

(Source : interview in Beat Instrumental, December 1973)