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Fact #145407


Short story:

Ultrasound release their third album, Real Britannia, on Classic Album Club Records in the UK.

Full article:

Holy moly! An entirely analogue indie guitar album, right here in the second decade of the 21st Century. Historical Note : hard-to-categorise Yorkshire-based combo Ultrasound won critical acclaim for their 1999 debut Everything Picture, but inter-personal tensions soon split them, until they re-formed in 2010. This, their third album, is their best yet. Stylistically they’re still hard to pin down, veering from the psych-metal singalong of Kon-Tiki to the angry prog of No Man’s Land, complete with Jethro Tull flute solo. However, axe-lovers will delight in their musical core, the raucous but melodic guitars of Tiny Wood and Richard Green, while song fans should relish the way their tunes and lyrics are constructed.
(Source : review by Johnny Black in Hi Fi News, Jan 2016)