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Fact #140206


Short story:

Jefferson Airplane record Embryonic Journey, for their second LP, Surrealistic Pillow, in Studio B, RCA's Music Canter Of The World, 6363 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, California, USA. The track is composed and played by their guitarist Jorma Kaukonen.

Full article:

Jorma Kaukonen (guitarist, Jefferson Airplane) : When I got into the Airplane, I didn’t have a clue about what an electric guitar was except that you plugged it in and it was louder. Jerry (Jerry Garcia) was way ahead of all of us in that. Jerry was his own electric guitar player from the jump.

I was still dividing my time what I considered folk music and rock and roll. I didn’t think it was gonna fit in but, of course, it did fit in and I’m really glad that they made me do it. Rick Jarrard (producer) wanted me to put it on.
(Source : not known)