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Fact #140176


Short story:

Jay-Z headlines on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival, Pilton, Somerset, England, UK.

Full article:

Beyonce : I’ve been at big shows before but never in my life have I seen so many people and everyone seemed like they were in their own world… Oh you know, just like, happy! It was something that I would love to do one day. They looked like a great crowd. No-one knew what to expect. I know how amazing Jay is as a performer, but all the controversy… I was on the stage watching him, behind a little railing. It was the most exciting moment I’ve seen.
(Source : The Times, interview by Peter Paphides, April 30, 2010)

Jay-Z : That (Noel Gallagher's objections) was the old guard standing in the way, saying, 'This is rock music. This is sacred'. It was one of those hurdles we had to break down.

If you want to be a headliner, you better put on a headline show. At festivals, some people are there to see you, some people are there to see the act before you, some people have no idea who you are. So how do you take that audience of all those different people and make them focus on one point? That's the challenge.

It felt like we were invading a country. 'Whoa. There's a lot of people out there'. I had never played before that many people in my life. 'What did we just do? This had better work'.
(Source : interview in the Los Angeles Times)